Arctic: Our Frozen Planet, sensory-sensitive screening
Sensory-sensitive screening of Arctic: Our Frozen Planet intended for guests who find the immersive IMAX® experience prohibitive. In addition to low lighting and low volume throughout, doors will be left open and movement and discussion during the film will not be restricted. This film is in 2D, no special glasses required. Theatre capacity will be reduced to 80 seats.
At the top of our planet lies a magical realm of snow and ice—the Arctic. Every year it is transformed by an annual cycle of freeze and thaw. For millennia, this steady seasonal beat has allowed life to thrive. But our planet is warming, upsetting this natural balance and the Arctic is changing faster than anywhere else on Earth. Scientists are now discovering that what happens here, affects us all.
We will all be impacted by a warming Arctic…but none more so than local communities. Working with scientists, together they are shedding light on how changes to the Arctic’s natural balance affects each and every one of us…and they haven’t given up hope. Now it is up to us all to combat global warming and ensure there is a future for this fragile wilderness…Our frozen planet.
Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/2731452-0?pid=6432
Date and Time:
Sunday December 01, 2024
(10:00 AM – 10:45 AM)
Venue details: IMAX Victoria, 675 Belleville Street, Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 9W2, Canada
Price: General Admission: CAD 12.00