Intention: A wellness getaway in Victoria, 2025 is now closed Intention will return January 5-18, 2026.
Start your year centered with Intention: A wellness getaway in Victoria. Immerse yourself in wisdom, community and uplifting practices on an intuitive wellness journey. Join us for speaker series, cooking classes, and guided workouts.

Curate your intention
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As you consider what you’ll need to flourish in the coming months, affirm your new habits with Intention: A wellness getaway in Victoria. Recommit to mindful practices and reconnect to your reasons for pursuing them.
Book your Stay
Whether you are looking for zen moments, a sleep program that helps ensure rest and rejuvenation, amenities to move your body, or views that produce awe, Greater Victoria’s hotels offer a range of options. Check out these great properties as you curate your wellness getaway in Victoria.
Enter for a chance to win a wellness getaway
Enter for a chance to win a trip for two to intention: A wellness getaway in Victoria, valued at over $1,500, including accommodations, wellness activities, dining, flight credit, and a $250 prepaid VISA.
Enter now