A couple explores the coastline along Dallas Road in Victoria, BC

Greater Victoria Harbour Authority

100 - 1019 Wharf ST Victoria BC V8W 2Y9

The Greater Victoria Harbour Authority (GVHA) was incorporated as a not-for-profit society in 2002, and operates several parcels of land, water lots and marine/foreshore infrastructure in Victoria’s Inner & Outer Harbour, including: Ogden Point, Wharf and Johnson Street marinas, Fisherman’s Wharf, the Causeway and Ship Point Pier. Greater Victoria Harbour Authority GVHA also manages and operates the former Steamship Terminal and water lot under lease from the Province.

GVHA is a social enterprise that serves to protect and develop Victoria’s working harbour for the economic and social benefit of the region, its residents and the broader business community. GVHA works with key stakeholders and the public to fulfil the vision of a working Harbour where people live, learn, work, and play; a spectacular gateway into Victoria’s past and into its future.

The GVHA’s Board comprises Directors representing: the Esquimalt Nation, the Songhees Nation, the City of Victoria, the Township of Esquimalt, the Victoria & Esquimalt Harbour Society, Tourism Victoria, the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce and the Capital Regional District. The Board also has three Community Directors drawn from the community at large.”

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Destination Greater Victoria is honoured to be based on the traditional territory of the Lekwungen-speaking peoples of the Songhees Nation and Xwsepsum Nation, whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.