Take a Walk

Victoria has an array of walkable routes – some surrounded by shops, coffee shops, pubs and restaurants, while others will take your breath away with stunning views and lush forests. Whatever outdoor adventure you’re looking for, Victoria has it!

To quickly navigate our list, click the links below to move down the page:

  1. Dallas Road Waterfront Trail
  2. Westsong Walkway
  3. Victoria Inner Harbour Trail
  4. Ogden Point Breakwater
  5. Beacon Hill Park Loop
  6. PKOLS Irvine Trail
  7. Alumni Chip Trail
  8. Princess Margaret Perimeter Hike
  9. Gorge Park Loop
  10. Cattle Point Loop

For more outdoor exploration, check out some of our local Gardens & Parks.

Download Victoria's Vacation Guide

Destination Greater Victoria is honoured to be based on the traditional territory of the Lekwungen-speaking peoples of the Songhees Nation and the Esquimalt Nation, whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.